Steal the creative process used by fast-growing brands.

Hey friend,

If you are struggling to grow your brand, or things have stagnated lately - I’d be willing to bet that you haven’t got your ad content system nailed. 

I have seen inside dozens of brands in the last few months and I can tell you that the brands that are growing fast are the ones that have their ad-creative production 100% nailed.


Because getting your ads to work directly correlates to good creative - and good creative requires an internal system to make it happen.

But it doesn't have to be complicated.

Steal this process and you will beat 90% of brands out there.

How Successful Early-Stage Brands Approach Content (less than 7 figures/yr)

1. They Collect social proof: They automate requesting customer video testimonials by including this in your post-purchase flow and giving juicy and generous incentives. Test different incentives to get better results.

2. They Film their own content - They make Mobile-first content - it has an authentic feel and blends into the social feed well enough for people to not skip it. This can be founder content, content filmed by your team on shoots or around the office.

3. They Use a tool like Foreplay or Magic brief (no affiliation) to study popular ad frameworks. I love creating boards for every brand I work with and am constantly seeking inspiration from brands that are great at ads.

4. They pay up-and-coming creators (not influencers) to create content to their brief. This is where a lot of smaller brands get it wrong, they think they have to find influencers and pay for their audience, when what they really need is someone who is a good actor and great at producing content at a fairly low cost that connects with their audience.

5. They Use a freelance video editor who understands paid social - you don’t need a fancy agency to edit your ad content, but if you aren’t great at editing you do need to find someone who is - finding a low-cost video editor who can churn out lots of edits is key.

How Brands Beyond 7 Figures Approach Content Production

1. In-house creative team - content creators, editors, videographers.

2. Creative Strategist in-house to pull it all together & analyse

3. Work with creative agencies to ensure a mix of content and styles

So there you have it - a pretty easy process you can follow to get your content engine humming.

Let me know how you get on and reply to this email if you have questions!




When you are ready for more help - I run a tight-knit accelerator for early-stage where I give personalised help to eComm brands who are ambitious to grow. Just reply to this email for more details!