Is Your Ad Strategy Missing These Critical Steps?

Hey First Name,

I just started working with a brand that is making a big mistake with its ads.

They are talking to every prospect as if the person already knows the brand, knows the product AND knows the problem they solve.

They are not tailoring their message to where their prospect is in their buying journey, instead assuming everyone is in the ‘product aware’ camp.

That is a huge assumption to make, and misses all the people who are just getting to know them.

We often struggle to step into our customers’ shoes—but that’s exactly what successful ads require.

You can’t hit everyone with the same message and expect results.

Here’s how I think about structuring your ads for each stage of awareness:

1. Unaware of the Problem

At this stage, your audience doesn’t even know they have a problem. So, your ads need to educate and agitate.

Ad content: Influencer or celebrity content, educational videos that explain the pain point.

eCommerce example: Selling eco-friendly skincare? Work with an influencer to highlight the environmental damage of conventional products—your brand isn’t the hero yet, but you’re planting the seed.

2. Problem Aware, But Not Solution Aware

Now they know their problem but aren’t sure how to fix it. This is where empathy shines.

Ad content: Storytelling, user-generated content (UGC), or a founder’s story.

eCommerce example: If you sell ergonomic chairs, use a UGC video where a customer talks about their back pain and why it is caused by bad seating, and how switching to ergonomic furniture can help.

3. Solution Aware, But Not Brand Aware

They know the kind of solution they need but haven’t settled on a brand. Time to showcase your product’s benefits.

Ad content: Comparative ads, testimonials, or press reviews.

eCommerce example: Run a side-by-side comparison of your protein powder with competitors, highlighting why your ingredients and customer reviews stand out.

4. Product Aware - Almost Ready to Buy

They know you, they like you, but they need a nudge. This is where urgency and social proof come in.

Ad content: Testimonials, UGC, limited-time offers, or discounts.

eCommerce example: A carousel ad showing real customers using your premium sneakers, paired with a limited-time 10% discount to close the sale.

The key here is that you need ad content tailored for every funnel stage. Don’t fall into the trap of expecting one ad to do it all.

Are you running ads for each stage of your customer’s journey? Let me know what's working for you!

Have a great week!


ps. If you want my personal help to create better ads for your business - have a look at ways to work with me on my website

Always happy to jump on a call and provide some suggestions of where you might be going wrong! Just reply to this email!